Who We Are

Abeingo Canada was founded in 2004 and incorporated in 2007. Abeingo members are committed to making a positive difference in our communities both in Canada and abroad. Our current community projects include our bursary program for needy students, seniors’ programs and diabetes programs. We believe that by working together with community partners we can do much more.

We seek to elevate the Abeingo community by developing the next generation of leaders and promoting greater awareness of our community and culture to the Canadian mainstream. We are comprised of professionals, business entrepreneurs and college students who are passionate and committed to advancing the well-being of Abeingo Association in Canada.

We strive to provide and cater to the needs of our community so that it can prosper and thrive within the fabric of the Canadian society. We do this by nurturing a community of smart, creative, and interesting people; our members.

Membership is by invitation only.

What We Stand For

Our cause. Abeingo helps members empower themselves and transform society through the power of collaboration.

Our value proposition. Abeingo connects great ideas and great people to inspire leadership and achievement within the association community.

Our promise. Abeingo provides exceptional experiences, a vibrant community, and essential tools that make you and your organization more successful.

Our guarantee. Our goal is to provide truly exceptional offerings and service, and we won’t be happy until you are.

Our Core Values

Trust. Uphold the public’s trust through responsible management of resources

Inclusiveness. Recognize, respect, collaborate with and respond to the diversity within the association

Respect. Interact with and support all people in a fair and honest manner that accepts diverse contexts and abilities

Quality. Strive for excellence in all of the programs and services we offer

Adaptability. Be flexible and responsive to challenges and opportunities and continually evolve as an organization.

What We Do

  • Uniting the residents of Ontario who are of Abeingo origin.
  • Preserving and perpetuating the traditions of Abeingo.
  • Sponsoring literary, musical and other education and cultural events and conventions for the promotion of people of Abeingo descent.
  • Promoting interest of members and mutual aid and assistance whenever necessary.
  • And such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

Our Strategy 2018- 2020

As you read through our strategic plan we hope you will understand our powerful promise of tomorrow.

Download Strategy 2018-2020

Helping People As A Community