Bursary Funds Program

Abeingo Canada launched a bursary program in 2010 to address the barriers which hamper access to education by needy students including HIV/AIDS orphans in Kenya. The bursary is being supported through funds raised annually by Abeingo Canada well-wishers.

The Challenge

Since the introduction of the “Free Primary Education” policy, in 2003, where school fees and levies were abolished at the primary school level, relieving the household burden of financing primary education in Kenya, there has been an upsurge of children transitioning from primary school to secondary school. Many of the students come from poor families and many are orphans that have been affected by AIDS. Kenya has 2.0 to 2.5 million children who have been orphaned due to AIDS. HIV/AIDS is eroding the family and community capacity to meet the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC), including economic and food security, education, nutrition, health, and emotional well-being. The number of OVC is expected to continue to rise for the foreseeable future.

Bursary Objectives

The Bursary provides financial support to poor or orphaned high school students in Kenya so that they can successfully complete their high school education.

It also provides mentorship, counselling and other resources to these students so that they can be well-equipped to overcome the hardships pulling them back

Abeingo Bursary Recipients

Call for bursary applications

The Abeingo Association Canada in conjunction with INUA Community Development & Assistance and Development Service has launched the 2020 bursary program that aims at overcoming barriers which hamper access to education by needy students including HIV/AIDS orphans. The bursary is being supported through funds raised by Abeingo Association Canada and its well-wishers. Since 2009, Abeingo Association of Canada has provided bursaries to students in Western Kenya. Students who have benefitted from this program have proceeded to successfully complete high school. Many others have joined institutions of higher learning in Kenya including national universities and colleges. In 2020, Abeingo Association Canada, will provide approximately 20-30 educational bursaries to needy children from Vihiga, Kakamega, Bungoma and Busia counties of Western Kenya. The bursary application form is available here
This bursary is only for Year 2020. If a candidate is still in need of financial assistance for the next year they will be required to re-apply. Bursary decisions will be made in February 2020 so applicants are encouraged to apply for alternative funding to start the school year. Additional inquiries and submission of completed application forms should be forwarded to ksimiyu@gmail.com